I Walked Away From a Bad Car Accident!
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Last Sunday I walked away from a bad car accident!
A young man ran a red light in an SUV while I was on my way to church for the 11 AM Palm Sunday service, near the downtown Wichita area. The impact of his hitting me was like a bomb going off. I did not have a clue that it was going to happen, so there was no time for me to tense up. This may have kept me from injuries as well. The main thing was that he hit the passenger side of the car (with only me in the vehicle), and that, had he slammed into my side, I absolutely think that I could have been killed or certainly that I would have suffered serious injuries.
My Honda is a totaled junk heap now, and I had the car for eight years, driving it to New Mexico a few times. In fact, this was the car I had driven to visit the Santuario de Chimayo. I had put a grand total of 120,000 miles on it.
I believe that perhaps the blessed St. Michael visor clip you were so much a part of my eventually getting may have been the saving factor in my receiving only minor lacerations on my forehead. These cuts have already nearly healed. St. Michael was truly protecting me. So many miracles are tied in with the Santuario de Chimayo that I cannot deny that another miracle, this time on my behalf, is a distinct possibility.
When I went to the salvage yard where the remains of my totaled car are stored, to gather some belongings from the vehicle, I made absolutely certain that I got the St. Michael clip off my visor before also taking off my Kansas license plate and bagging other miscellaneous items. I would never have left without the clip. Fortunately, it did not fly off the visor upon impact; nor was it damaged by the flying glass and metals. It is now attached to the visor of my newly acquired 2006 Honda and protecting me every time I drive somewhere.
I just wanted to pass this experience along to you as we celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Our Dear Lord. Easter blessings!