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Story of struggles with lung cancer

Hello Father,

I am sending you the story and an update for my friend, Amelia Quintana (aka, Amy). If you may recall, I shared with you the story of her struggles with lung cancer.

In April 2017, Amy received a diagnosis of lung cancer. During a X-ray for what her doctor thought was to check for possible pneumonia, masses of nodules were found in her lungs instead. After two biopsies, she was diagnosed with a rare form of lymphoma. As you may imagine, her family and friends were in shock.

Amy is a woman of great faith as I am. I immediately thought of the Santuario at Chimayo and the miracles that have happened there. Together with our friend Mia, a week before Amy started her treatment, we gathered to pray and anoint Amy with soil and holy water I had obtained on a previous visit to the Santuario. After the anointing, the three of us vowed to make a pilgrimage to the Santuario to give thanks in the event Amy received a healing.

This past April, after her last CT scan and blood tests, Amy received the good news that her nodules were all but gone! That's when we made plans to travel to the Santuario to fulfill our pilgrimage promise. As you know, we visited in May and attended Mass. We all felt the peace of this mystical place set in its beautiful setting.

Amy's healing continues. Her latest CT scan this week shows that her lungs continue to remain clear and healthy. We give thanks for God's tender mercies and pray that her healing will be a testament to the miracles that happen at the Santuario.

Yours in Christ, Patricia Guzman-Cunningham

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